Rise ‘N’ Reach

Welcome to Rise ‘N’ Reach, an organization dedicated to helping communities through sporting opportunities.

Did you know?

  • 34% of kids ages 6 to 12 from homes with $25,000 or less play sports. For reference, 22.53 million households in the U.S. make $25,000 or less in the United States.

  • There is a 30% sports participation gap between children of lower and higher income families.

  • Normal families spend $693 per year on each child in youth sports, but those with children who participate in elite programs and toward travel and team fees spend $12,000 a year.

  • Sports is a 17 billion dollar industry.

The Benefits of Sports

  • Lower rates of anxiety and depression

  • Higher self-esteem and confidence

  • Reduced risk of suicide

  • Higher levels of academic achievement

  • Increased cognitive performance

  • Improved cardiovascular fitness

  • Increased empowerment, personal responsibility, and self-control

  • Improved teamwork, social skills, and social responsibility

  • High school athletes are more likely to attend and graduate from a four-year college